Wirral Waters District Heat Network

Type of development
Peel L&P
The Wirral Waters regeneration project is one of the largest private sector-led regeneration projects in the UK.
Eden are appointed by Ener-Vate to support the introduction of a District Heating Network (DHN) at Wirral Waters, a key milestone in the delivery of infrastructure intended to support forthcoming developments at Vittoria Studios, Four Bridges and the wider East Float Regeneration Area.
Low carbon initiatives have always been at the forefront of the wider Wirral Waters development philosophy, and this reserved matters application seeks to realise those ambitions through the introduction of a low carbon heating source which will provide connectivity to both existing and future occupiers.
Eden have assisted in developing a planning strategy for the project and the preparation of a reserved matters application for the DHN which is compliant with the approved East Float outline permission (‘EFOP’). Eden also led on the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Compliance Statement that accompanies the application.
The application was submitted in July 2023.