Vittoria Studios
Type of development
Peel L&P
Eden are planning advisors to Peel L&P across their portfolio of land which comprises the Wirral Waters regeneration area, a nationally significant, thirty-year regeneration programme, with activity currently focussed on East Float at Birkenhead Docks.
Proposals for Vittoria Studios have been submitted as two separate applications for reserved matters approval pursuant to the East Float outline application, together proposing 1,815 one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments on a plot facing Vittoria Docks.
The first, Vittoria Studios West, will see the delivery of 891 apartments and 28,000 sq ft of commercial space across three blocks.
The second, Vittoria Studios East, is slightly larger. It comprises another three blocks containing 924 flats and 28,000 sq ft of commercial space.
The applications were submitted to Wirral for reserved matters approval in Spring 2022.